Learn the Past, Live the Present, Dream The Future!
Learn the Past, Live the Present, Dream The Future!
Writer has been certified as a SAP since 2006. Writer can help guide you through all the steps needed to clear your violation. Writer can provide SAP evaluations for all industries. If you are required to be on the Clearinghouse, writer will help you with that step as well. We cover NJ, NY, PA, MA, TX, FL, and WV.
Being out of work can be very stressful. Writer will help you have an appointment within 24 hours to get a faster start to finishing the process.
Writer provides affordable total cost of $475 for SAP Evaluation and Follow-Up. This includes both Initial appointment and follow-up appointment. This includes paperwork involved including clearance letter, follow-up letter, and follow-up testing plan required by DOT. This cost also provides all the work involved as a SAP. Writer will also provide information needed to future employers provided you sign digital release for that company with no additional costs. There is no hidden costs.
Writer is certified to provide services in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Florida, Texas, and West Virginia
Sessions will be conducted via Telehealth using HIPPA compliant platform ZOOM. Writer will help you utilize this platform if their is any difficulties.
Contact writer at (732)841-6495. You can also send email to daniel@dcounseling.com Please provide your phone number in the email as writer will contact you back via phone if you send an email.